Leading From the Middle by Scott Mautz

My review on “Leading from the Middle” book: Are you suffocating when you do your management job because you feel like you are being pulled away in multiple directions? It is the case for many managers, partly because they lack the proper mindset or skillset or both, and that is okay. We will learn new things about our job for years to come. However, learning only on the act will potentially cause learning fatigue because of the emotional baggage that comes with constant failures....

October 21, 2021 · 2 min · 372 words · Tarik Guney

Pre-suasion by Robert Cialdini

My review on Pre-suasion Book How rational are we? What if someone tells us we are less rational than we think. In fact, a lot less rational we tend to believe. Pre-suasion is not telling it to us but trying to prove it with real-world examples and scientific evidence. The result? It is scary, real scary. One fact though, these techniques are not guaranteed to work all the time. They are to increase the persuasive power of your message....

October 15, 2021 · 3 min · 510 words · Tarik Guney

The Mental Toughness Book by Damon Zahariades

My review of “Mental Toughness” book: Life is hard. But, what makes it even harder is our perception of it. But if our perception can make it harder, can it make our life easier? It certainly can. The more we get loose from the reality, more our frustrations grow that much because our expectations don’t match what is out there. In this subjectivity, we can also find strength and a sense of serenity....

October 1, 2021 · 3 min · 437 words · Tarik Guney

Impossible to Ignore by Carmen Simon

I am still reading this book, and it is one of the most exciting books I am reading recently, so I decided to do a quick shoutout for it. Tapping into human memories and becoming a part of their subconscious is a powerful way to deliver memorable messages. Once the message is memorable, it is more likely that people will act on your initial message. But how does that work?...

September 21, 2021 · 2 min · 309 words · Tarik Guney

Yes! 50 Scientifically Ways to Be Persuasive by Robert B. Cialdini

My review of the book “Yes! 50 Scientifically Ways to Be Persuasive.” We both persuade people and get influenced by others, perhaps every single day, without even realizing it. And some of them are based on ethical principles. But some are not. Knowing persuasion will make you more resilient against the dark ones. It will also make you more persuasive for your message. Remember, though; these simple techniques are not to work 100% of the time, like almost everything else....

September 1, 2021 · 2 min · 424 words · Tarik Guney

Make Your Point by Kevin Carroll and Bob Elliott

My Review of the book “Make Your Point” Weak communication can cause you lose a HONDA CRV every week. Communication is crucial for success. Take me for example. I have 10 meetings every day on average. Sometimes it is 14. Let’s make it a humble number. Take 5 meetings. Most of them have around 5 people on average and last for about an hour. Let’s take the 80$ per hour rate....

August 22, 2021 · 2 min · 317 words · Tarik Guney

Win Bigly by Scott Adams

My review on the book “Win Bigly” by Scott Adams: Persuasion is clearly crucial for success. It is everywhere. It is almost impossible to escape from it. We use it even we don’t realize it. It is fine until it is not. Some people engineer their persuasion skills. It is like fire. You can use it for cooking delicious food or hurting others. Scott Adams explains the practical use of persuasion using Donald Trump as an example....

August 10, 2021 · 2 min · 248 words · Tarik Guney

The Art of Thinking Clearly

My review for The art of thinking clearly What if someone told us the filter we use to see the world is flawed big time? This book is that someone. We have lots of biases that shape our worldview. Let’s take confirmation bias as an example. Two people with competing two ideas interpret the same data in a way supportive of their beliefs. Making this one up: Eating lettuce caused chickenpox for 0....

August 5, 2021 · 1 min · 213 words · Tarik Guney

The Seven Things Your Team Needs to Hear You Say by David M. Dye

My review for “The seven things your team needs to hear you say it” It is another book that will stay with me at the office as a constant reminder. It is a practical book. It gives simple actionable suggestions that you can start using right away. Before I tell you the 7 things, change in your current self can be instigated if you surround yourself with the right people, build the right environment with lots of cues, and decide on the right problem to start with....

August 1, 2021 · 2 min · 243 words · Tarik Guney

The Courageous Cultures by Karin Hurt and David Dye

Courageous Cultures Book Review You have probably heard of psychological safety. It is a place where people feel safe to speak up. However, it is mainly created by leaders. But even if this space is made, there will be people who won’t speak up. And it is the story of this book. Leaders, while creating psychological safety, will also need to develop courageous team players who are willing to speak up....

July 30, 2021 · 2 min · 219 words · Tarik Guney